Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Yesterday I delivered 5 sculptures to Carson Art Gallery in Dallas. They have an 11,000 square foot gallery and have been in business for 26 years. I met Diane Carson at the Main St. Arts Festival this past weekend. Diane and her team will be entertaining 200 Interior Decorators who specialize in hotel properties on Thursday night. Coincidentally, the theme for the event is fashion!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The final day of the Main St. Festival is today. Yesterday saw the crowds grow and at several points during the day there was a river of people moving together in front of my booth. I had to move the sculptures inside the tent for fear of them getting knocked over. The comments about my work have been so positive and inspiring. It was fun to hear people say that they saw my pieces on the news. I have met some wonderful people and overall, this has been a really great event. My favorite quotes from yesterday came from 2 little girls, both about 5 years old. One said emphatically, 'That is just beautiful'. The second said, 'Even the buttons on the back are pretty.'