I have just spent a long weekend in NYC with my husband. We have taken the opportunity to visit several NY landmarks and to act like tourists- even though both of us have lived in the city at one time or another. Travel is so refreshing and important, I was a flight attendant as a young adult and truly enjoy experiencing new things, cultures and influences. The first exhibit that we saw was the King Tut exhibit created by National Geographic. While I thought the exhibit was a little lacking for the ticket price, I enjoyed seeing the intricate details given to even the smallest of items for the pharoahs, such dedication by the artisans of the time.
Influences were everywhere, this is in a store window for the new book store at Bloomingdales. The dress is made of advertising pages from magazines.
This is a fabulous art structure/sculpture on the roof of the Metropolitan Museum- a mosaic of bamboo!
A large mosaic portrait at the Metropolitan Museum.
We also saw a great exhibit titled 'American Woman: Fashioning a National Identity', you can definately expect to see numerous dresses in my 'Fall Collection' directly related to this exhibit at the Met.
And I had to throw this in, while I didn't see it this weekend in NY, I thought it appropriate for this blog entry! Is it mosaic or collage!?!
My friend and mentor, Gabriella Brunner, once told me to always keep my eyes open, you never know when inspiration or objects will present themselves.